Why SCI textbooks work for students

Student labUltimately the value of a science curriculum comes down to how well in works as an educational tool.   SCI has a long and impressive track record with it's inquiry-based programs and textbooks.   Look at the fundamental ideas behind it:


Introductory Physical Science (IPS) and Force, Motion and Energy (FM&E) motivate a wide range of learners to achieve their highest level of performance.


IPS and FM&E focus on fundamental, age-appropriate topics so students have time to develop an understanding of the topics and how to apply them to new situations.


IPS and FM&E emphasize experimentation and logical development.


IPS and FM&E provide students an opportunity to learn to solve a variety of problems on their own.  Problem solving reinforces learning because students need to understand the issues in order to solve the problems.


IPS and FM&E teach students skills that are useful for a lifetime. 





SCI Summer Workshops

This summer SCI will offer three one-week workshops.  Each workshop earns 2.0 semester hours of graduate credit from Colorado School of Mines and will take place on the CSM campus in Golden, Colorado.  Detailed descriptions of each workshop are available.

Available: Now

IPS 9th Edition

The new 9th Edition of Introductory Physical Science (IPS) continues the IPS tradition of guiding students to knowledge of physical science and the way scientific knowledge is acquired.

Inspect the table of contents and more details on our new edition of IPS.