Teacher's Guide and Resource Book
Force, Motion and Energy (FM&E)
The FM&E Teacher's Guide and Resource Book provides the necessary background information
to allow the instructor to help students get the most out of the FM&E course. The book
includes detailed suggestions for using the reading sections, experiments, and problems in a variety of settings. It also
provides a general discussion of the content and pedagogy of the program.
In addition, the Teacher's Guide and Resource Book:
- provides suggestions for each experiment, including schedules, equipment technical hints, safety precautions, and sample data;
- provides answers, as well as methodology and reasoning, to all questions; and
- makes general planning and teaching suggestions.
Sample pages from the FM&E Teacher's Guide and Resource Book are provided below. For a more extensive sample of the 9th Edition Teacher�s Guide download a PDF excerpt. Since the excerpt is fairly long, please allow sufficient time for the download.
Other Resources
The FM&E Assessment Package — end-of-chapter and laboratory tests
SCI's Diagnostic Analysis software — helps analyze chapter test results
Price and Ordering Information
Available: Now
The new 9th Edition of Introductory Physical Science (IPS) continues the IPS tradition of guiding students to knowledge of physical science and the way scientific knowledge is acquired.
Inspect the table of contents and more details on our new edition of IPS.