Regional/National Meetings and Conferences
We encourage you to visit our booth and talk with our staff of veteran teachers
about incorporating Introductory Physical Science or Force, Motion, and Energy into your curriculum.
For more information, click on the links below.
SCI Summer Workshops for Teachers
The promotion and support of quality science
teaching has been the cornerstone goal of SCI since the inception of the
company. We fervently believe that the best IPS and FM&E teachers are those who are
trained in the instructional materials they use.
To support this effort, five percent of what your school pays for IPS and/or FM&E
copyrighted materials, over the consecutive three-year period ending May 31, 2010,
will be credited toward the tuition costs for teachers attending SCI-approved
national or regional workshops.
In addition to the extensive in-service training programs provided by
many schools and school districts, IPS and FM&E teachers have summer workshop opportunities
available as shown below. In each IPS and FM&E workshop, participants work with the authors
and experienced teachers to perform all experiments, discuss pedagogy, and share classroom management and
safety tips.
Introductory Physical
Science - Part A
July 25 through July 30 at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Instructors: Graden Kirksey, Peter Gendel
Credit: 2 semester hours
Tuition: $300
This workshop covers Chapters 1-5 of the new 9th edition of Introductory Physical Science to enhance your content
knowledge and classroom practice. (Note: The topics covered in Chapters 1-5 are the same in the 7th, 8th,
and 9th editions.) Experience student experiments and develop an understanding of basic concepts, laboratory skills,
safety issues, and classroom management. Reading, reasoning, and communication will be addressed in the context of
properties of matter, solutions, and mixtures. The use of software in student experimentation and the evaluation of
student work will be discussed.
Force, Motion, & Energy
July 25 through July 30 at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Instructor: Bob Stair
Credit: 2 semester hours
Tuition: $300
This workshop covers all seven chapters of the Force, Motion, and Energy curriculum encompassing: 1) force and
pressure in equilibrium, 2) motion of objects and waves, and 3) thermal, potential, and kinetic energy. You will
perform 17 experiments. For each experiment and for reading sections, teaching strategies, classroom management,
safety issues, and the questions students pose will be addressed.
Introductory Physical
Science - Part B
August 1 through August 6 at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Instructors: Graden Kirksey, Peter Gendel
Credit: 2 semester hours
Tuition: $300
This workshop covers Chapters 6-11 of the new 9th edition of Introductory Physical Science. (Note: This includes all of
the topics covered in Chapters 6 10 of the 7th and 8th editions of IPS plus a new chapter on molecular motion.) Perform all
student experiments, discuss classroom strategies, basic concepts, laboratory skills, and safety issues. Reading, reasoning,
and student communication will be addressed in addition to the use of software in student experimentation and the evaluation
of student work.
Introductory Physical
Science - Part C
August 1 through August 6 at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Instructor: Bob Stair
Credit: 2 semester hours
Tuition: $300
This workshop covers an entire alternative branch included in the new 9th edition of Introductory Physical Science. Topics
include energy, force, motion, and Newton s laws. This workshop will help you enhance your classroom practice as you experience
student experiments and develop an understanding of basic concepts and laboratory skills. As in the other 9th edition workshops,
reading, reasoning, and student communication will be addressed in addition to the use of software in student experimentation
and the evaluation of student work.
Additional regional workshops may be scheduled as interest and
number of participants warrant.
Lodging on the Colorado School of Mines campus will be available for each of
these courses for an additional fee (to be determined by CSM).
Please give us a call at 888-501-0957 or email [email protected]
if you have questions about any of these workshops.