waltham, massachusetts youth hockey

Table of Contents

Key Principles
The Structure of the Course
Annotated Table of Contents


Key Principles

Even a casual perusal of the IPS textbook reveals how different it is from other textbooks. As a teacher new to the course you may wonder about the source of the many differences. Most of the characteristic qualities of IPS are the result of the consistent application of the following guidelines:

  1. Have a clear set of objectives. The broad objectives of IPS can be summarized as the development of laboratory skills, reasoning skills (e.g. the application of knowledge to new situations), and communication skills in the context of science while gaining an understanding of the foundations of physical science. This guideline had a profound effect on the construction of the sequence, as will be explained below.
  2. Start where the students are. At the eighth or ninth grade level, all students have had some experience with matter in their daily life. But many of them associate science with a specialized vocabulary that must be memorized and that is unrelated to daily life. Therefore, IPS does not have a set of prerequisites as far as previous science content is concerned. It bases all new ideas on concrete student experiences in the laboratory, and it consistently introduces new terms only after the need for them has been established.
  3. Give the students the time they need to digest the material. The application of this guideline negates the a priori establishment of required coverage. From the development of the preliminary edition to the latest changes in this edition we allotted the time for a given topic on the basis of field-testing; a topic was eliminated if we thought that the time could be utilized more productively. A corollary to these considerations is the conclusion that students are better served by studying even a part of the course thoroughly rather than rushing through all of it.





The Structure of the Course

IPS has always had a central theme that was not confined within the boundaries of individual disciplines, primarily chemistry and physics. As stated in the preface to the text, the central theme is the study of matter leading to the development of the atomic model. In broad terms the course divides naturally into three parts.

Chapters 1-6 provide the empirical framework without which the atomic model becomes an answer in search of a question. The progression is from what is around us in the greatest abundance, namely mixtures, to compounds and elements. In the process, students learn about the characteristic properties by which substances are recognized and separated. No distinction is made between physical and chemical properties.
Chapters 7-9 introduce the atomic model. Radioactivity was chosen as the vehicle because the discreteness in radioactive processes is clearly observable, and because the subject, despite its importance, is widely neglected. Radioactivity is one of the topics to which more time was allotted in this edition.
Chapters 10-12 add the electric dimension to the atomic model, reinforcing the material learned earlier. In the process, a valuable foundation is laid for electrochemistry.

The division of the course along these lines provides natural breaking points for teachers who wish to spread the IPS course over more than one year.





Annotated Table of Contents

The Table of Contents annotated with general comments from the Teachers Guide and Resource Book provides a more detailed picture of the course. Sections printed in italics are new to the Sixth Edition. In the comments "you" refers to the teacher.

Click below to go to the desired chapter.

Chapter 1: Volume and Mass Chapter 5: The Separation of Mixtures Chapter 9: Sizes and Masses of Molecules and Atoms
Chapter 2: Mass Changes in Closed Systems Chapter 6: Compounds and Elements Chapter 10: Electric Charge
Chapter 3: Characteristic Properties Chapter 7: Radioactivity Chapter 11: Atoms and Electric Charge
Chapter 4: Solubility Chapter 8: The Atomic Model of Matter Chapter 12: Cells and Charge Carriers


1.1 Experiment: Heating Baking Soda

1.2 Volume

1.3 Reading Scales

1.4 Experiment: Measuring Volume by Displacement of Water

1.5 Shortcomings of Volume as a Measure
of Matter

1.6 Mass

1.7 Experiment:The Equal-Arm Balance

1.8 Experiment: Calibrating the Balance

1.9 Unequal-Arm Balances

1.10 Electronic Balances

1.11 Experiment: The Sensitivity of a Balance

Although this chapter is among the shorter ones in the text, it is of prime importance. Interwoven are two objectives: the development of the skills related to the balance and the analysis of data, and the accumulation of evidence leading to a fundamental law of nature, the law of conservation of mass. It will take the entire chapter to reach the objectives.

Histograms, which are introduced in this chapter, will be used throughout the course. The time you invest in teaching how to construct them will pay handsome dividends later on. Once the students know how to construct histograms by hand, we recommend that they use the software to save time and explore various choices available to them.

Emphasize to students that a single experiment, involving only one kind of change (such as dissolving salt), is not in itself very convincing evidence for concluding that mass does not change when other changes take place. This is why four separate mass-conservation experiments, all involving different kinds of change, are included in this chapter. Do not skip any of them; let your students do all of them to convince themselves of the plausibility of conservation of mass.

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2.1 Experiment: The Mass of Dissolved Salt

2.2 Histograms

2.3 Using a Computer to Draw Histograms

2.4 Experiment: The Mass of Ice and Water

2.5 Experiment: The Mass of Copper and Sulfur

2.6 Experiment: The Mass of a Gas

2.7 The Conservation of Mass

2.8 Laws of Nature

Although this chapter is among the shorter ones in the text, it is of prime importance. Interwoven are two objectives: the development of the skills related to the balance and the analysis of data, and the accumulation of evidence leading to a fundamental law of nature, the law of conservation of mass. It will take the entire chapter to reach the objectives.

Histograms, which are introduced in this chapter, will be used throughout the course. The time you invest in teaching how to construct them will pay handsome dividends later on. Once the students know how to construct histograms by hand, we recommend that they use the software to save time and explore various choices available to them.

Emphasize to students that a single experiment, involving only one kind of change (such as dissolving salt), is not in itself very convincing evidence for concluding that mass does not change when other changes take place. This is why four separate mass-conservation experiments, all involving different kinds of change, are included in this chapter. Do not skip any of them; let your students do all of them to convince themselves of the plausibility of conservation of mass.

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3.1 Properties of Substances and Properties of Objects

3.2 Experiment: Freezing and Melting

3.3 Graphing

3.4 Experiment: Boiling Point

3.5 Experiment: Mass and Volume

3.6 Density

3.7 Dividing and Multiplying Measured Numbers

3.8 Experiment: The Density of Solids

3.9 Experiment: The Density of Liquids

3.10 The Hydrometer

3.11 Experiment: The Density of a Gas

3.12 The Range of Densities

3.13 Identifying Substances

In the daily language one hears statements like "lead is heavier than iron." Of course, lead is neither heavier no lighter than iron, just as lead is neither bigger nor smaller than iron. Mass, volume, and shape are properties of objects. Properties that do not depend on the amount of a substance are called characteristic properties.

The characteristic properties discussed in this chapter and in Chapter 4 have been selected for their usefulness in identifying substances and separating mixtures. Hence, we concentrate on freezing point, boiling point, and density in this chapter, and on solubility in Chapter 4.

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4.1 Experiment: Dissolving a Solid in Water

4.2 Concentration

4.3 Experiment: Comparing the Concentrations of Saturated Solutions

4.4 Experiment: The Effect of Temperature on Solubility

4.5 Wood Alcohol and Grain Alcohol

4.6 Experiment: Rubbing Alcohol as
a Solvent

4.7 Sulfuric Acid

4.8 Experiment: Two Gases

4.9 Hydrogen

4.10 Carbon Dioxide

4.11 Experiment: The
Solubility of Carbon Dioxide

4.12 The Solubility of Gases

4.13 Acid Rain

4.14 Drinking Water

Solubility is a characteristic property of both the solute and the solvent. It is expressed in a complex unit-grams of solute per 100 cm3 of solvent. If we know the solubility of a substance in a given solvent and the quantity we want to dissolve, we can calculate the minimum amount of solvent necessary. Or, if we know how much solvent we have, we can use the solubility to find the maximum amount of the solute we can dissolve in it.

Like density, solubility changes with temperature. However, the solubility of some substances changes rather dramatically with temperature, whereas the density of solids or liquids changes only slightly. The dependence of solubility on temperature is very useful in separating substances in solution.

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5.1 Experiment: Fractional Distillation

5.2 Petroleum

5.3 The Separation of Insoluble Solids

5.4 Experiment: The Separation of a Mixture of Solids

5.5 The Separation of
a Mixture of Soluble Solids

5.6 Experiment: Paper Chromatography

5.7 A Mixture of Gases: Nitrogen and Oxygen

5.8 Low Temperatures

5.9 Mixtures and Pure Substances

As we mentioned earlier, one of the criteria for selecting characteristic properties for discussion was their usefulness in separating substances. Now we will employ these properties for actual separations in the laboratory, describe some applications of these methods in industry, and arrive at an operational definition of a pure substance. Reading through this chapter, you may get the impression that we are leaving students with a rather vague definition of a pure substance. This is true. The boundary between a mixture and a pure substance is not so sharp as may be believed from reading some textbooks. If your students realize at the end of this chapter that a pure substance is something that cannot be broken up by any of the methods discussed, they will have learned their lesson.

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6.1 Experiment: The Decomposition of Sodium Chlorate

6.2 Experiment: The Decomposition of Water

6.3 The Synthesis of Water

6.4 Experiment: The
Synthesis of Zinc Chloride

6.5 The Law of Constant Proportions

6.6 Experiment: A Reaction with Copper

6.7 Experiment: The Separation of a Mixture of Copper Oxide and Copper

6.8 Complete and Incomplete Reactions

6.9 Experiment: Precipitating Copper

6.10 Elements

6.11 Elements near the Surface of the Earth

6.12 The Production of Iron and Aluminum

By definition, pure substances are not broken up into different components by those separation methods used to separate mixtures. The aim of this chapter is to show that, in general, pure substances can, nevertheless, be broken up by other means, such as applying intense heat or an electric current. Conversely, such pure substances (compounds) can also be synthesized from other pure substances, but only by reacting in definite proportions.

Our first step is to decompose two pure substances by using heat (Experiment 6.1) and electricity (Experiment 6.2). In each case, new pure substances are produced that are quite different from the original substances. We then reverse our method of attack and synthesize compounds. The examples used are chosen to illustrate one of the basic differences between compounds and mixtures: unlike mixtures, compounds can be synthesized only by reacting them in definite proportions.

Early difficulties in the formation of the law of constant proportions sprang in part from the difficulty of determining when a reaction was complete. The reaction between copper and oxygen (Experiments 6.6 and 6.7) illustrates this circumstance: The investigation into what has happened leads to an understanding of complete and incomplete reactions.

Experiment 6.9 ends the sequence of experiments that started with Experiment 6.6 and continued in Experiment 6.7; copper was made to form a series of pure substances and was then recovered, suggesting that the copper was there all along. The section leads into the operational definition of elements (Section 6.10). The reasoning used in the definition of an element is reinforced with two historical examples. Be sure to spend enough time on this section.

Sections 6.11 and 6.12 balance the preceding discussion of scientific methodology with a discussion of the abundance of elements near the surface of the earth, and a description of the industrial process of producing iron and aluminum. You can assign these sections for reading, and follow up with a brief class discussion.

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7.1 Radioactive Elements

7.2 Radioactive Decomposition

7.3 Experiment: Radioactive Background

7.4 Experiment: Collecting Radioactive Material on a Filter

7.5 Experiment: Absorption and Decay

7.6 Radioactivity and Health

7.7 A Closer Look at Radioactivity

Radioactivity, though often in the news, is a topic that mystifies the public. Some students may have heard of alpha, beta, or gamma rays before, but have no first-hand experience with any phenomena related to them. In this course the distinction is irrelevant, and should be avoided.

The objectives of this chapter are quite modest: learning the basics about counting radioactive decays and noting the discreteness of the process. Tying this discreteness to change of one element into another suggests a particle model of matter. More than that, the counting of radioactive decays provides us with a direct way of counting the number of atoms in a measurable sample of an element, thereby providing a means of finding the mass of atoms.

Unlike in other chapters, the three experiments in Chapter 7 are to be done by the class as a whole rather than by pairs of students. The reason is simple: it is unlikely that you will have enough Geiger counters. However, if you have more than one counter, divide the class into smaller groups and have them work in parallel. The class will have the advantage of seeing that while the details vary, the general trend is the same.

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8.1 A Model

8.2 Experiment: A Black Box

8.3 The Atomic Model of Matter

8.4 "Experiment": Constant Composition Using Fasteners and Rings

8.5 Molecules

8.6 Experiment: Flame Tests of Some Elements

8.7 Experiment: Spectra of Some Elements

8.8 Spectral Analysis

8.9 "Experiment": An Analog for Radioactive Decay

8.10 Half-Life

We now introduce the atomic model of matter, which will continue to be at the center of our attention through Chapters 9, 11, and 12.

After a brief introduction to the meaning of a "model," the class applies the idea to a Black Box, which provides an opportunity to make testable predictions (Experiment 8.2).

Sections 8.3-8.6 sum up key observations made earlier in the course in the context of the atomic model. The law of Conservation of mass and the law of Constant Proportions are given special attention.

The class experiments with spectra of atoms and is shown evidence that the spectra present properties of the individual atoms rather than properties of the elements in bulk.

Finally, the atomic model is used to predict the existence of a Half-Life for radioactive elements.

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9.1 The Thickness of a Thin Layer

9.2 Experiment: The Thickness of a Thin Sheet of Metal

9.3 Scientific Notation

9.4 Multiplying and Dividing in Scientific Notation: Significant Digits

9.5 Experiment: The Size and Mass of an Oleic Acid Molecule

9.6 The Mass of Helium Atoms

9.7 The Mass of Polonium Atoms

9.8 The Size of Atoms

This chapter greatly strengthens the atomic model of matter introduced in Chapter 8. The ability to ascribe a mass and a size to atoms in effect clinches the argument for the acceptance of the model. However, the chapter does make heavier demands on your students' mathematical skills than other chapters in the book.

Even though the steps of the experiments are conceptually very simple, it takes a relatively long chain of operations with powers of 10 to get the desired results. The details should be treated only with a class that can go through the rather complex arithmetic without losing sight of the physical content. With students who are weak in mathematics, it may be advisable to treat the chapter lightly. Carry them through a limited number of calculations on the chalkboard, with the main goal being a basic understanding of the method used to find the masses and sizes of atoms. For suggestions on how to do this, see comments on Sections 9.6 through 9.8.

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10.1 Introduction

10.2 A Measure for the Quantity of Charge

10.3 Experiment: Hydrogen Cells and Light Bulbs

10.4 Experiment: Flow of a Charge at Different Points in a Circuit

10.5 The Conservation of Electric Charge

10.6 The Effect of the Charge Meter on the Circuit

10.7 Charge, Current, and Time

10.8 Experiment: Measuring Charge with an Ammeter and a Clock

In this chapter we introduce a model of electric charge flow, the law of conservation of charge, and two methods for measuring charge.

The emphasis throughout this chapter and the next is on electric charge rather than on electric current. It is important to keep this in mind, even though from the end of this chapter on, we shall measure moving charge indirectly by measuring current and time. (See Section 10.8.)

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11.1 The Charge per Atom of Hydrogen and Oxygen

11.2 Experiment: The Electroplating of Zinc

11.3 The Elementary Charge

11.4 The Elementary Charge and the Law of Constant Proportions

11.5 Experiment: Two Compounds of Copper

11.6 The Law of Multiple Proportions

At the end of the preceding chapter we established a method of measuring electric charge with an ammeter and a clock. We shall now use this method to find the quantity of charge needed to plate out a single atom of an element from a solution. The comparison of these charges will lead us to the existence of a natural unit of charge, the elementary charge. From this, the idea of "atoms" of electricity can be related very directly to the law of constant proportions studied in Chapters 6 and 8.

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12.1 Experiment: The
Daniell Cell

12.2 Experiment: Zinc and Copper in Different Solutions

12.3 Flashlight Cells

12.4 Unintentional Cells and Corrosion

12.5 The Motion of Electric Charge Through a Vacuum

12.6 Electrons

12.7 Atoms and Ions

12.8 The Motion of Charge Through a Circuit

12.9 The Direction of Electric Current

The first topic in this chapter is the Daniell cell and an investigation of the basic reactions that make it work: dissolving zinc and plating out copper. We then demonstrate that similar reactions occur in other cells, both desirable ones and undesirable ones such as those causing corrosion.

By now we have added a great deal to the phenomenological knowledge of the students. We have shown how to use that knowledge to expand the atomic model of matter to relate charge per atom to constant composition, multiple proportions, and simplest formulas. However, we have not shown how to connect the phenomena involving electric charge with the mechanism of compound-forming (chemical) properties of atoms. To be able to do that we need electrons. We use the passage of charge through a vacuum tube to introduce electrons. In a sense, the vacuum tube fulfills in this chapter a similar function to that of radioactivity in Chapter 7. Using the vacuum tube to make the existence of electrons plausible corresponds to using radioactivity to make the existence of atoms plausible. Electrons and atoms are then related through the introduction of positive and negative ions to account for the movement of charge through a solution.

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