The Diagnostic Software
for Macintosh only
Utilizing the Chapter Tests to their fullest extent, not simply for the
assessment of student achievement but as a tool for improving instruction,
requires extensive analysis. To do this analysis by hand is very time-consuming.
The Diagnostic Software, available for Macintosh computers, provides individual
scores, class results, and a diagnostic interpretation of many of the
wrong choices. The output of the comments is available in two forms, a
Class Report and an Individual Report. The Class Report highlights trouble
spots by listing all the comments associated with bad choices made by
at least 10% of the class. This report will help you recognize where the
trouble spots are. An Individual Report is useful in a personal discussion
with a student or a parent.
The software prints answer sheets for each test, which makes the data
entry via the keyboard extremely fast. You can also enter the data via
a bar-code reader. A master copy for all the tests is included at the
end of this book.
In addition to the expected statistics, the report shows what the mistakes
were in the three questions for which the student had the wrong answers.
Such reports have been found to be very helpful in conferences with individual
students and their parents.
Other reports address the performance of the whole class. The Summary
of Comments lists the most frequently made mistakes. Teachers find
it very helpful in improving their instruction. "You may also be interested in reading The
Many Advantages of using IPS
Diagnostic Software. |